Q1: Are women less capable than men in STEM fields?

Q2: Is it true that women are not interested in STEM careers?

Q3: Aren't STEM fields too difficult or demanding for women who want a work-life balance?

Q4: Do women lack the confidence to succeed in STEM?

Q5: Aren't there already enough women in STEM?

Q6: Do women need to adopt "male" traits to succeed in STEM?

Q7: Are gender biases in STEM still an issue today?

Q8: How can we encourage more young girls to pursue STEM?

Q9: Are women in STEM more likely to experience burnout compared to men?

Q10: How can men in STEM support their female colleagues?

Q11: Is it true that STEM fields are too competitive for women?

Q12: Are women in STEM perceived as less "likable"?

Q13: Do women in STEM face more difficulty in getting published?

Q14: Are there enough role models for women in STEM?

Q15: How can educational institutions help eliminate gender stereotypes in STEM?

Q16: Do women in STEM face more criticism and scrutiny than men?

Q17: Are STEM environments typically unwelcoming to women?

Q18: Is it difficult for women in STEM to find mentors?

Q19: Do women in STEM fields face more difficulty in getting recognized for their work?

Q20: How can we encourage more young girls to pursue STEM?

Q21: Do women in STEM have fewer opportunities for career advancement?

Q22: Is it true that women are more suited to "soft" sciences rather than "hard" sciences?

Q23: Do women need to "prove" themselves more in STEM compared to men?

Q24: Is it harder for women to secure funding or grants in STEM?

Q25: Do women in STEM face more harassment or discrimination?

Q26: Can women in STEM successfully balance family life with their careers?

Q27: Can mentorship really make a difference for women in STEM?